Global Green New Deal – Cleantech will create Jobs


This week I was invited to the United Nations Office in Geneva to the conference “ Green Growth – Leading and Learning “ as a panel speaker. I was invited by our friends from UNEP ( United Nations Environment Programme ) and Giweh – Global Institute of Water, environment and Health ( our friend Dr. Salim Nadil ) to speak on Green Growth and Jobs creation.

Some more insights on the Green New Deal of the United Nations and Giweh.

Giweh: Our principal concern is to explore the potential environmental solutions that satisfy human needs, by developing and maximizing the quality and quantity of available water, through wise use and continuous monitoring. GIWEH will take action by developing both projects and public awareness programs. These will serve to develop and manage our planet’s environment and its limited natural resources, and protect those from the challenging difficulties of the future..


Prof. Jean Pierre Lehman, founding Director of the Evian Group and Professor at the IMD Lausanne.
Mr. Lifeng Li, Director of the Global Freswater Programme at the WWF Foundation.
Ph.D. Moustapha Kamal Gueye from UNEP – Economic Affairs Officer, Division Technology and Economics.
– Josef Schmidhuber, Senior Economist, FAO for Water and Food Security.
– Thomas Schulze – Cleantech Europe
and Dr. Chris Williams from Birmingham University and many more.

The topics where:

– the Four Rivers project in Kora which will was presented by Dr. Salim on the Korean Government´s efforts for Green Growth which will be implemented from 2009 to 2013. The four rivers project is projected to create 340.000 jobs in river restauration and eco tourism. It will act as a catalyst for Green Jobs in Korea with a large focus on water, water handling, water technologies, water sensors and construction. GIWEH is an advisor to the Korean Government in this project.

– Mr. Prof Lehman was commenting on the outcome of Copenhaguen and the impact on global Green Industries.

– Mr. Ph.D. adds that investment in green sectors such as renewable energies, green construction, sustainable transport and ecological infrastructure has the potential of stimulation economic growth and development while creating millions of jobs and adressing environmental challenges such as climate change and ecological scarcity.

Dr. Chris Williams from Birmingham University gave an inspiring presentation on edcucation and public awareness especially regarding the four rivers project in Korea. “ he points out that the difficulty of pursuing Green Growth is not just a technical endeavour; it must also involve educating and public awareness. Especially on large infrastructure projects like the Four Rivers Project in Korea which covers the whole country.

M.Sc. Thomas Schulze ( that´s me )

-I presented some insights on European Entrepreneurs and talents that moved from traditional industries like automotive industry to the Clean Tech Sector. “ We need a Google of Water, and we need high profile entrepreneurs to move into Green Technolgies to attract more awareness for this industry sector.

After this vivid panel discussions we got as a result:

– a better understanding of the definition and potential of Green Growth in relation to water.
– how the benefits of Green Growth can be the best presented to the public to increase awareness.
– how state and non – state actors might collaborate and apply successful examples of green economies through their policies.

To sum it up, it was a great event and the press awareness tells us we are on the right track to raise more awareness on Greentech and Cleantech for the next decade.

Thanks again to the Giweh team with Yunjoo Lee and Dr. Nidal Salim, UNEP and the UN and all other supporters :-)

Definition of Cleantech/Greentech by keywords/tags:

,Alternative, Energy, ARRA ,Biofuels, California ,cap-and-trade, Carbon, Dioxide, carbon, emissions ,China ,clean energy, clean tech ,cleantech, clean, technology ,Climate Change, CO2, CO2, emissions ,coal, Copenhagen, DOE, efficiency, electricity, emissions ,epa, ethanol ,GeoThermal, global warming ,green, green building ,greenhouse ,gas emissions ,High Speed Rail, Israel ,natural gas ,Obama ,Oil ,plug-in, Renewable Energy, Solar ,solar, energy ,stimulus ,technology, United States, Utilities, water ,Waxman-Markey, Wind ,wind power,